Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Primary Research Data and My Interpretation

The survey I made had 5 questions and they simply asked you if you have listened to British rock, can you name any bands, is there a difference between the music you listen to and the language in this music, I asked them to rate the comprehensibility of the lyrics, and lastly state any additional information.
In the perfect situation I would have preferred to survey anyone who actually knows this type of music, and I would have liked it if they were musicians themselves. But in the time alloted I only had the chance to ask 15 of my classmates. As you can see from my previous post, only a couple of people said they knew what I was talking about. Interestingly enough if they said they did not listen to British rock they thought they wouldn't be able to understand the lyrics being sung. Yet a few people thought that they didn't think there was a difference from U.S. rock and British rock. Think to yourself, do Bruce Springsteen and The Beatles sound they same to you?

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